Hustle Hunters

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Event Recap: Hiring Manager + Recruiter AMA

Big thank you to Ren Fisher (Dir. of Marketing @ Apptentive) who brought her experience as a hiring manager into our candid discussion around what we notice and look for in the resume phase of a hiring process!

Applications are coming in at unprecedented rates so the question is how can you stand out and show the initial resume reviewers that you are the right person to talk to?!

Some core tips we covered:

🗺 Draw the connections explicitly and often if you’re making a career pivot (in both resume and cover letter, even if it’s not required).

👩🏽‍💻 Study up if you’re entering a new field. Follow industry leaders on Linkedin and Twitter, take informational meetings. Learn the lingo and go in confident!

⏰ Take the time to customize resumes for each role you apply to (and save the file with the company name in it). Include your experience with the core skills and themes referenced in the job description as part of a summary header to the resume. Back it up throughout the rest of the resume with proof.

💟 Embrace white space on a resume! Resume styling should make it easier for the reader to learn about you, not get in the way.

📒 Focus on your story more than chronology. The impact and overall threads connecting roles more than just a list of tasks completed.

👋🏼 Tactfully connect with the hiring manager or recruiter on Linkedin and engage respectfully there to show you’re in this for the long haul.

🙋🏻‍♀️ Push back gently if you feel you’ve been underestimated for a role you’re very aligned with. Hiring managers are going through many resumes and are human too. They really want to find the right candidate!

💻 Apply through the appropriate links and follow directions to be sure your resume ends up in the appropriate organizational system (ATS, Applicant Tracking System). Upload as a PDF to ensure formatting stays consistent.

This session was very popular, and we’ll likely be hosting more like it in the future. Sign up for the Newsletter to be notified of upcoming events and see the deck with additional topics we covered below:

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