Reclaim Your Narrative In Interviews With These Hacks!

The interview process can be draining especially after you’ve been laid off. This reality might affect the story you tell during your interviews and your self-concept. Sometimes being laid off might make us feel like we are not good enough, giving room for imposter syndrome to thrive in our heads.

We have five very practical ways to reclaim your narrative during interviews. The story you tell about the new journey you’re seeking to start speaks volumes about who you are and, for that reason, you want to be very intentional about it.

So, let's get into it! 

💎 First, look at a calendar and think through your entire time in that role/company. Think through the milestones, holidays, sprints, bosses, and teammates you’ve experienced there.

💎 Write down the projects, skills, and colleague relationships that come to mind so you can review this record before going into that interview.

💎 Review your notes and thoughts on leaving, and craft an accurate one-sentence story that hits the right points. Also, be prepared with three more sentences to dive in a bit deeper if asked. Remember, storytelling is key!

💎 Figure out what themes exist amongst the roles you’re considering. How do they match against your reasons for searching? Be ready to frame your story as "going toward something" rather than "running away from something." Example: “I’m eager to learn from a strong, vulnerable leader!” >>> “I had a really challenging boss.” Know your story and frame it well.

💎 Focus on growth, opportunities, and pride in accomplishments. Use the “we” vs. “them” language, and the future of why you’re looking to this new opportunity.

These five tips will help you own that interview, reclaim your narrative, and you’ll conclude every interview stage feeling better about yourself and ready to take on the next stage!


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